P2P File Sharing

What is file sharing?

File sharing it is the action of sharing all kind of files, it is usually referring to the action of sharing computer data by providing access or distributing this specific digital media, for example computer programs, multimedia, documents, etc. The advantage of file shearing is that a user who wants to share a file is able to share it to a reduced or big number of people in a moment.


What is P2P File sharing?

In order to define P2P file sharing we need to understand what P2P is. P2P (Peer-to-Peer) it is a decentralized system, what means that it is not use a central server, that allows a communication between both peers using a network. Therefore a P2P file shearing is just a file sharing using this P2P structure


What are some examples of P2P file sharing?

A good and innovative example is the one that is state in the article Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other, this case is not just a good example of P2P file sharing it is also an innovative business model. Instead of using the classic methods to get a loan, people is getting these loans by using this P2P file shearing system, as we can see in the article the system works following the next schem: “Investors put up the money to fund the loans; typically they’ll have pieces of hundreds, even thousands of loans which are ranked according to risk. An investor’s rate of return will vary accordingly.”

The fact that people are better connected every day and without a need of supervision, guaranteed data security and accessibility around the world allows new business models to be developed to meet the new needs of society.

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